Having waited since October last year I finally have my Wii. They’re still as good as unavailable in the UK but I managed to get one on eBay from Germany. Even that was a hassle as the item shipped before the Easter public holiday and was delayed for two weeks. The good news is that it’s here now.
I had it delivered to the CacheLogic office for Mark to pick up, and we set it up in his front room. Like a good pair of internet nerds we made sure our first action was to connect it to the network and download the latest firmware! With that done, and with Mark’s girlfriend Nat off to visit some friends, we settled down for some arm-waving action.
Three hours later I glanced at my watch and did a double take. I couldn’t believe we’d been playing for so long. Shades of the Great GoldenEye Gaming Marathon of 1998!
A massive, massive amount of fun!
Your sore muscles will also remind you how long you played in the next morning. :-)
Comment by Tron — 2007-04-23 @ 17:11:35
Bring on the gaming (have you ordered the rgb lead yet??)
Comment by m6rk — 2007-04-25 @ 15:01:55