Day Five
My first week is over and I managed to deal with commuting all the way from Cambridge to Maidenhead without going insane or dropping dead.
I did, however, nearly lose my MacBook Pro.
Like an idiot I left the train at Maidenhead without the laptop bag. I realised my mistake immediately but the train had pulled away towards Reading.
Luckily for me the station supervisor called ahead to arrange for Reading staff to retrieve the bag, which they did. A short trip to Reading later and I was reunited with the Mac.
If you forget your Macbook Pro in a train you are not worthy owning one. Please return it to the nearest Apple store as soon as possible. They’ll find new loving parents for it.
Comment by Tron — 2007-02-12 @ 21:37:48
Meh. I went to Reading to get it. That shows dedication.
Comment by iain — 2007-02-12 @ 23:10:25