TV shows are finally available on the UK iTunes store. This means I can get to see Lost series 2 (yup I’m behind the times).
US customers have been able to download TV programmes on iTunes for ages and ages now but a US credit card was required to open an account. So I couldn’t download and watch the show even though I wanted to and was prepared to pay to do so.
There’s very little in life more frustrating than being prepared to do business with someone, prepared to pay them money, and have them not want you as a customer. Few companies are big enough to afford to turn customers away. But that’s what has been happening up until now. I didn’t have a TV, the DVDs weren’t on sale yet, I had the money in my pocket but Apple wouldn’t sell me the product.
Now they will. For &stlg;32.99 I can buy the whole of series 2. That’s way less than HMV quote to buy the DVD box set and a little more than Amazon have it for. That makes it a less compelling choice than series 3 which is the same price on iTunes and twice as much from the retail outlets, though the box set isn’t available yet.
In the end I decided to buy both series after all. The main benefits of DVDs – having a nice box you can show off and the comfort of having physical media – don’t apply so much to a TV show I almost certainly wouldn’t want to watch a second time. But by purchasing it online I can show my support for Apple and the TV companies doing what they should have done years ago. And I can watch it tonight instead of waiting for the DVD to arrive…